Thursday, 27 March 2014

Rhys's Information Report

Today I will tell you three facts about a monster called eyel the facts i will tell you about are its diet, evidence, and adaptations.Be warned it is a very sneaky monster.

First I will  tell you about its physical description and locomotion. It  looks like a ball with a tail  also it is quite small and fat with a tail that has an eye on it.  It gets around by digging tunnels it has dug its own underground cave system all the tunnels connect to its underground house.

Now just to warn you it will eat anything in your pantry carrots,eggs,pots,pans you name it he will eat anything in there. But make sure there is always something in there otherwise he will eat your pantry. 

Do you know that he used to be able to see out of the eye on his face but it kept getting dust in it so eventually it adapted  and became blinded but is able to see out of the eye on its tail.

Evidence of eyel
it leaves behind empty packets of chips and biscuits because they are tasteless it will eat other packets because they taste like its favorite food jellybeans  it also leaves behind a lot of dirt because it has to tunnel to get around. 

Just to conclude my report I will tell you about its habitat it lives in an underground cave system just to be safe. Do not get within a meter of it other wise you will agitate it and it will attack.

1 comment:

michelle said...

Your monster sounds amazing Rhys. Your evidence is very convincing.

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