Tuesday, 25 March 2014

The Missing Monsters

 “Pimpin’,  PotatoMan, Mr Bunn, where are you.” Ernesto, Baileigh and I say as we try to call our monsters. In about 5 seconds our monsters all came and said….. “PIMPIN’, PATATONAh, DAADOOH” they all said HI! “Hey there guys.” I say.
“What do you guys want to do? Ernesto said to Baileigh and I.”
“It’s actually lunch time we should go and eat. You guys look after our monsters.”
“Ok, thats cool.” Baileigh said, we will look after the monsters. Thanks.

 So I go off and get lunch ready,when I finish I head to the room that the monsters are in, and as I walk in I see Ernesto and Baileigh are searching for our monsters,”what is going on?”. I say.  “why are you guys searching the room?”. We lost the monsters. Baileigh says. “we look back for a second and when we looked back and the monsters were gone”. Ernesto said. “well they must of saw something and followed it”. I say. “Then they must of gone in the jungle,lets go.”

So we go in the fun, confusing and mysterious jungle and start looking for our monsters, “lets spread out and meet in the middle,” Baileigh said “sounds good”, Ernesto says. So we spread out and look.

By the time we all get to the middle we didn’t find at least one monster, Suddenly we hear something, something that sounds like……. PIMPIN’, PATATONAH, DAAHDOOE. 
“IT’S OUR MONSTERS!!!” Ernesto Baileigh and I are sooooooooo happy, “WE FOUND OUR MONSTERS”, Ernesto screamed. Lets go home, and never leave unless we know or we are taking you somewhere ok? “Ok we won’t do that anymore.” Pimpin’ says. Now lets go home,lunch getting cold. 

So we went home and we all lived happily ever after

                                                                 The End  

Special Thanks to Baileigh Greaves and Ernesto Castillo.

Monsters:Pimpin’,PatatoMan and Mr Bunn. 

Made By:Xavian Gungan.   

Storyteller:Xavian Gungan

Helper:Miss Signal

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