Wednesday, 5 November 2014

jackson's immersion week.

Day 1 Monday
Everyone had just got back from holiday and was still full of excitement, they walked into the classroom but there was a huge makeshift wall in the middle of the classroom with the words CAUTION and WORK IN PROGRESS on it. The kids couldn’t see through the wall and weren’t allowed to peep. Everyone including Miss Signal wanted to look.  They carried on with their work for the day which was designing a new classroom layout. All through the day there were strange alien like beeps and bops coming from behind the wall the kids had been promised they could open the (wall) on Tuesday.

Day 2 Tuesday
On tuesday morning everyone was very excited thinking that they could open up the (wall). But they couldn’t. One of the other interesting things was there was a flour trail going from the friendship garden to the wall and the noises had stopped. In the middle block the classroom received a note. Telling them that they were finally allowed to open the (wall) and look inside and that the mysterious workers had been sciencetechnologists and that there were four bags in the area in between the classrooms. Miss Signal went in first and then let in the rest of us there was the four bags so everyone sat down and got ready for the first bag opening. Inside the first bag was two bottles of white vinegar, a stack of tissue paper, two jars of baking soda, ziplock bags and a set of instructions. It was an activity they went outside because it said further down in the instructions it would explode! So they went outside and started. The instructions said to get a piece of tissue paper and put a tablespoon of baking soda on it then to fold it up to make a tablet. Then to fill a ziplock bag about one third of it’s size then carefully put the baking soda tablet into the bag yet holding it above the vinegar then zip the bag closed and drop the tablet into the vinegar then shake the bag and throw it then step back.

Day 3 Wednesday
On wednesday people were excited to open bag number 2. Inside the bag was stacks of paper scissors  tape and instructions. Each group got 3 pieces of paper,30cm of tape and scissors. The challenge was to make a bag that can carry the most weight my group got to 310 grams i think.The max that a bag made by kids reached was 990 grams i think.
day 4 Thursday

On thursday everyone was very excited to open the third bag inside the bag was jar and a note. The note said to send someone to the office to get something he something was two bunches of celery. And another note. Kids had to go to a different class and get some more supplies. Jars and a set of instructions.Kids had to get jars food colouring of their choice and celery then put water in the jar with 3-5 drops of food colouring then break the celery to the right length and put it in the jar. The next challenge for the day was to make a boat to get a cabbage patch doll (mini miss williams) across a small water tub. The materials they had was paper, hot glue, polystyrene and other materials like corks.

day 5 Friday.
It was friday everyone was ecstatic for the final bag inside was plastic bags, string and toys the challenge was to build a mini parchute for the toys who ever had the best parachute that took longest to crash to the ground won. Each parachute was made in a group of two each group sent one person up into anawhata to drop the parachute 5 groups would go at a time eventually both people from five groups went up to compete in the finals.

Shreeyal pop challenge

Instruction for the pop challenge

 What you need:
 Snaplock bag
 Baking soda
 Tissue paper

 Step 1:
 Find a buddy.

 Step 2:
 Open the snaplock bag, grab the vinegar and fill it up a quarter of the way then zip it up.

 Step 3:
 Grab the tissue paper and baking-soda, put the baking-soda in the middle of the tissue paper and fold it up.

 Step 4:
 Open the snaplock bag and put the baking soda ball in the bag, you need a buddy for this step, make sure you don’t drop the baking soda in the vinegar.

 Step 5:

 Get your buddy to zip up the snaplock bag. * When you are ready you can do the next step.

 Step 6:

 Drop the baking-soda into the vinegar, shake it, drop it on the ground, stand back and it will pop. There is the pop experiment

 By Shreeyal Rm12

Being a Zoologist


Thursday, 30 October 2014

Inferencing - For the Birds

Today we practiced our inferencing skills when we watched this video 'For the Birds'

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Immersion Day 1

What a day!

Today we were SO excited about being able to see in the space that has been closed, but we arrived... and it was STILL closed!! The strange thing was there was flour from underneath the door all the way out and into the garden.  Plus there were footprints! Well... we think they were footprints!
We did some measuring, investigating and check out shoe prints!  Some of us thought it was Mr Iain - but he came to visit us and said it wasn't him!

So the mystery continued.
Until Vicki from the office came running in with a letter for Room 11 & 12 marked 'Special Delivery'.  Miss Williams gave William the special honour of opening the letter and reading it to us.  It was from the 'Scientechnologists' and they had left us 4 bags to say thanks.  We couldn't find the bags when Miss Signal got a call from Mr Giles saying that the area was clear for us to enter.  Miss Signal risked arms and legs to check the area was safe for us before we entered - thanks Miss Signal!

When we got inside the lab area we discovered all sorts of interesting things!  Plus we found the 4 bags.  We were able to open Bag 1 today and it contained a science experiment that we learnt was a chemical reaction with vinegar and baking soda.  Check out the video below!

Here's some more photos from our first day of Immersion learning 
in our big idea of 'Filling the Bucket'.

Immersion Day 1

Monday, 13 October 2014

Thinking Like Architects

Today we had a challenge... it was to think like an architect, a builder, an interior designer! We had to learn about measuring items and then using a scale create a model that was 1 tenth of the size of the original.  In our learning today we had lots of opportunities to either jump into our learning pit or cruise our way across the easy way.  Miss Signal was impressed to see many of us jump down into the learning pit, feel nervous and climb our way out the other side with huge smiles on our faces and new knowledge and ideas! Tino pai rawa atu Tumeke 12 - Excellent Tumeke 12!

It was a VERY busy day and we all learnt a lot of new skills - some mathematical, some social!

Here's the outline of the day... We learnt...
1. About scales, who uses them and why they are important.
2. What an estimate means and how it means to take an 'educated guess' - you can't just give any number, you need to use your knowledge to inform your guess.
3. Using a ruler and a tape measure - where to start measuring from and what cm and mm means!
4. To create a scale model of the classroom using the scale 1m = 10cm or 1:10.  We had to measure doorways, windows, walls and more.
5. How to create a brief for our client (Miss Signal and Room 12) - we had to think about design considerations such as: movement, learning styles, teaching space, doorways, safety etc
6. How to measured furniture and using the same scale created pieces of furniture from a birds eye view (looking down from above).  Also about how architects use the same symbols and create symbols to represent different pieces of furniture.
7. That we need to arrange our furniture in a suitable way that we liked, as the designer, but that also met the design brief (otherwise we might not get paid!)

At the end of the day one person stayed at the plan and our clients came around to visit us and question us about our plan.  Some of us looked very nervous at this stage!  We haven't quite finished and need more time to complete our plans. 

The winning plan will be used for our real classroom layout this term!

Check out some images from today:

Thinking Like Architects

Monday, 16 June 2014

So What?

Over the last few weeks we have been exploring the ideas of creativity and thoughtfulness.  Today we recapped our learning and shared what our big concepts and learning has been.

From here we talked about 'So What?' - how can we share our learning with those around us and show our understanding of these concepts we have been learning about.  We created a 'So What?' list of ways that we thought we could share our learning with others.

After we had created this list we used a thinking tool called a 'Decision Matrix' - it helps you to be able to make a decision on things when using some different criteria.  So on the left side Miss Signal placed all of our options and at the top we put all of our big learning ideas.  We then went through as a class and thought about how our ideas matched and fitted in with our big learning ideas.  From this we came up with 3 main ideas that we thought best matched how we could share our learning.

We then had a secret vote and decided which project we would like to be involved in.  You'll have to wait to see what we decided!

Monday, 9 June 2014

Prioritising Thoughtfulness

Miss Signal gave us a task to order these 7 things from the most thoughtful to the least thoughtful out of the list.  When we shared them with the class we found that we all had different ideas of what was the most thoughtful.
Does it sometimes depend on who the thoughtful thing is for - or is it just as important to be thoughtful to anyone on this planet?

In what order would you list these 7 events?

What Does it Mean to be Thoughtful?

Our next job is to investigate the idea of being 'thoughtful'.

What does it mean?
What does it look like?
What does it feel like? 
- When you are the one being thoughtful
- When you are the one getting the thoughtfulness
Does being thoughtful cost money?

Here are our examples that we could think about how we have or other people have been thoughtful.  After we wrote this list we decided what was the most thoughtful thing someone had done.  We thought about whether it had cost money or not.

What's a thoughtful experience you have had?
Leave us a comment to tell us about it - we would love to know!

What is Creativity?

From our Immersion Week we decided we would explore the ideas of creativity and thoughtful more - especially the way that we could use Creativity to be thoughtful.  Our big idea we are exploring is 'Can My Creativity benefit Others?'  Over the past 2 weeks we have been exploring the ideas of creativity and thoughtfulness.

Below are our first definitions of creativity that we shared as a class.  We then looked at what some sources, such as Dictionaries, told us about what creativity is.

We wonder - what is your definition of creativity?

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Our Anzac Kids

On ANZAC day students from Summerland attended the morning parade and service in our community.  Taking part in our community demonstrates our Summerland values, so these students received a Values certificate from Mrs Dysart. Tumeke 12 was well represented and we are very proud of these students.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

iTeach Workshops

In the last week of term we ran our first iTeach workshops.  This is when we can choose anything we are interested in or want to teach our classmates and Miss Signal.  Next term we will also be teaching Room 11, then hopefully our pod... next it will be the World!!

In these workshops we could learn to play the card game 'Speed, the card game 'Werewolf', find out how to make a game using Scratch, learn some google and Chrome tips and tricks or attend a Reader's Workshop and learn about book reviews.  It was a great session and we are looking forward to more iTeach in Term 2!

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Monster Mash!

We created some monsters to start our creative minds for our writing!  Miss Signal gave us a ball of playdoh each and then had some crafty bits on a table we could use.  Things like wobbly eyes, pipe cleaners and stars!  Check out our creative monsters in the video below.

Monday, 7 April 2014

Moe Sea Dragons

                           Sea Dragons                                 

Sea Dragons are one of the most camouflaged creatures in the world and look extraordinary.

Habitat:The leafy sea dragon is found only in Australian waters, From Wilsons Promontory in Victoria at the eastern range , to Jurien bay, 220km north of perth in Western Australia.

Size:Leafy Sea Dragons can grow up to 13.8 in (35cm). Weedy Sea Dragons can grow up to 18 in (48cm). Their sizes are relative to a teacup.

Appearance:44Leafy and Weedy Sea Dragons are closely related to sea Horses and Pipe  fish. Lefies are generally brown to yellow in body colour with spectacular olive -tinted appendages. Weedies have less flam boyant projections and are usually reddish colour with yellow spots.

So I hope you have learnt a lot of information about Sea dragons.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Maddie's 5 Facts About Fatu Feu'u

5 Facts about Fatu Feu'u

1. Fatu Feu'u was not always a full time artist

2. He is a multi media artist, and that means he makes art that uses more than one material.  For Example most artists only paint but a few do more than one art like, drawing, sketching, carving, moulding and pottery.

3. Fatu Feu'u is thought of as both a mentor and leader in the arts community.

4. He immigrated to New Zealand at the age of 20

5. Fatu Feu'u gets his inspiration from polynesian art forms

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Symbols About Frida Kahlo

This task is about Frida Kahlo and the symbols about the Wounded Deer.

1. Arrows: Her pain from the accident in 1925
    when the trolly car and the bus collided.

2. Forest: She's lost and can't find her way back home.

3. Branch: The grounds hard which makes it
    hard to walk because she was in hospital with a
    broken spine which made it hard to walk.

4. The storm with thunder and lighting: May represent
     the dark days she had when she was younger.


Thursday, 27 March 2014

Rhys's Information Report

Today I will tell you three facts about a monster called eyel the facts i will tell you about are its diet, evidence, and adaptations.Be warned it is a very sneaky monster.

First I will  tell you about its physical description and locomotion. It  looks like a ball with a tail  also it is quite small and fat with a tail that has an eye on it.  It gets around by digging tunnels it has dug its own underground cave system all the tunnels connect to its underground house.

Now just to warn you it will eat anything in your pantry carrots,eggs,pots,pans you name it he will eat anything in there. But make sure there is always something in there otherwise he will eat your pantry. 

Do you know that he used to be able to see out of the eye on his face but it kept getting dust in it so eventually it adapted  and became blinded but is able to see out of the eye on its tail.

Evidence of eyel
it leaves behind empty packets of chips and biscuits because they are tasteless it will eat other packets because they taste like its favorite food jellybeans  it also leaves behind a lot of dirt because it has to tunnel to get around. 

Just to conclude my report I will tell you about its habitat it lives in an underground cave system just to be safe. Do not get within a meter of it other wise you will agitate it and it will attack.

Briar's 5 Frida Kahlo facts

Fact 1: Frida Kahlo had a really tough life.

Fact 2: At the age of six Frida Kahlo got a serious desiase that went by the name Polio.

Fact 3: Then at the age of 18 Frida Kahlo was riding in a bus when all of a sudden the bus collided with a Trolly car.  Frida Kahlo broke nearly every bone in her body.  Also she was impaled with a iron stair rail.

Fact 4: She was bedridden for 4 months because of her injuries.

Fact 5: Did you know that she had to have 35 operations.  In her accident she sustained lots of injuries such as a broken spinal column, a broken collar bone, broken ribs, a dislocated right foot, a broken pelvis, eleven fractures in her right leg, a dislocated shoulder and a iron steel stair rail right through her abdomen.

Monster Writing

Mr Strong
“Aaaaaaaaaa”  Mr Bunn heard a scream from the back of the hall. So he ran from the playground to the hall to go see what was going on. When he got there he saw Baileigh getting eaten by Mr Strong. He quickly ran to get Baileigh out. “What do you think you are doing!?” Mr Bunn said. But Mr Strong wouldn’t speak.Mr Bunn goes back to the playground. Nikita comes along and asks Mr Bunn “Do you know where Baileigh is? She has gone missing I can’t seem to find her anywhere.” “I’m afraid that I haven’t seen them” said Mr Bunn. “Ok that’s fine. Bye” and off she went. She went onto the turf to find them. She didn’t find Baileigh but she found Mr Strong. So she ran to talk to him. She asked him “Have you seen Baileigh?” he didn’t say anything. But Nikita saw that he was beginning to feel sick. Nikita realises that Mr Strong has done something to do with baileigh gone missing. She asks him “Mr Strong have you seen Baileigh?” Mr Strong still doesn’t speak.Then Nikita noticed that Mr Strong was way bigger than he usually is. He was as big as a house. “Why is he that big?” thought Nikita. She realised that Mr Strong had eaten Baileigh. So Nikita decides to get Baileigh back by making him laugh. So she tells him really funny jokes and Mr Strong laughs so hard that he pukes out Baileigh and she’s all covered in disgusting slime and goo. “Eeeewwww!” screamed Baileigh. “This is disgusting!” Sure enough she was all covered in slime and gooey goo. After all that fuss and anger, Mr Strong gets told off by Miss Signal for eating Baileigh. “Why did you eat Baileigh?” asked Miss Signal. “To be quite honest Miss Signal I don’t really know” said Mr Strong in a very confused way. “Well you eating Baileigh was very unexpected. Because you a very kind and friendly” Miss Signal said.  “You will have to go to Baileigh and apologise to her.” “Okay” said Mr Strong very sadly and he stumbled out of the room. Mr Strong walks up to Baileigh and apologises to her. “I am so sorry Baileigh for eating you for no reason.” “Oh that’s fine Mr Strong” said Baileigh. “Oh great I was hoping that you would forgive me because I really want to become friends again” said Mr Strong. “Oh that would be lovely!” Baileigh bursted out. Two years went on and they become best friends. Miss Signal was happy. She was happy because Mr Strong ate Baileigh and she wasn’t very happy but then Mr Strong apologised and they became best friends.
The End

Wednesday, 26 March 2014



Is everyone ok Ernesto said!
yeah but are our monsters ok Nikita said.
I will go check on them now don't, worry 
TELL US NOW XAVIAN SCREAMED.                                     


Ernesto and Xavian hopped out the boat to check if it was safe for the rest to hop out.

wow come look at this guys.
what is it now  Baileigh said.
   WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!  everyone said

Come on everyone were on an adventure remember we need to find Pimpin’,Mr Strong Potato Man and MR Bunn.

So everyone walked slowly and quietly through the forest.

Nek minute.

You hear a booming noise passing you nikita screams her eyes out.
What was that ofcourse, it is Ernesto and Xavian.
It sound like a pack of elephants struggling to get past two metal bars


This is what Nikita looked like when she was screaming,
now do you see what I mean when I said that she was screaming her eyes out, I wasn’t joking  when i said that

Then we see a house under water like a castle wow guys come look at this.
so they all run in the water and in they go in the castle.
what do you think  you're  doing mate.

So they climb over the wall and then they see all four of these monsters trapped.
They secretly pass all of the guards and unlock the cage and came to the surface but  of course all of the monster scream Ernesto said take a monster to the surface the king shouted out get them now but we all got to the surface 
We all escaped and lived happily ever after

And i want to say a big thank you to these people

Xavian Gungan,Baileigh Greaves and Nikita Levi-Adams.

PRESENTED BY Ernesto Castillo.

Thank you for Reading my work.

And next time potato mans brother comes to potato mans house on a secret mission dan dan dan

This is what potato man brother looks like

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

The Missing Monsters

 “Pimpin’,  PotatoMan, Mr Bunn, where are you.” Ernesto, Baileigh and I say as we try to call our monsters. In about 5 seconds our monsters all came and said….. “PIMPIN’, PATATONAh, DAADOOH” they all said HI! “Hey there guys.” I say.
“What do you guys want to do? Ernesto said to Baileigh and I.”
“It’s actually lunch time we should go and eat. You guys look after our monsters.”
“Ok, thats cool.” Baileigh said, we will look after the monsters. Thanks.

 So I go off and get lunch ready,when I finish I head to the room that the monsters are in, and as I walk in I see Ernesto and Baileigh are searching for our monsters,”what is going on?”. I say.  “why are you guys searching the room?”. We lost the monsters. Baileigh says. “we look back for a second and when we looked back and the monsters were gone”. Ernesto said. “well they must of saw something and followed it”. I say. “Then they must of gone in the jungle,lets go.”

So we go in the fun, confusing and mysterious jungle and start looking for our monsters, “lets spread out and meet in the middle,” Baileigh said “sounds good”, Ernesto says. So we spread out and look.

By the time we all get to the middle we didn’t find at least one monster, Suddenly we hear something, something that sounds like……. PIMPIN’, PATATONAH, DAAHDOOE. 
“IT’S OUR MONSTERS!!!” Ernesto Baileigh and I are sooooooooo happy, “WE FOUND OUR MONSTERS”, Ernesto screamed. Lets go home, and never leave unless we know or we are taking you somewhere ok? “Ok we won’t do that anymore.” Pimpin’ says. Now lets go home,lunch getting cold. 

So we went home and we all lived happily ever after

                                                                 The End  

Special Thanks to Baileigh Greaves and Ernesto Castillo.

Monsters:Pimpin’,PatatoMan and Mr Bunn. 

Made By:Xavian Gungan.   

Storyteller:Xavian Gungan

Helper:Miss Signal

We interrupt this program for breaking news a swarm of potato monsters have  Brock out of the potato factory.Homer quickly turn off the t.v he didn't want to hear any more. (Meet the Simpson family with Homer and marge the parents of three kids Bart, Lisa and Maggie. Anyway back to the story.) then Bart heard noise coming from outside, it was people freaked out about the potato monsters coming to take their potatoes. The city guards said “we’ll keep a look out.”  But at about 12:00 pm a sleepy gas came rushing down the hill the guards got scared. A few of the guards rushed to the city hall where mayor potato was working on a fence to stop the monster’s breaking in. The first guard shouted there’s a sl…. BANG the guards and the mayor fell to the ground.

The next morning.
 everyone got a big surprise no potatoes were gone everyone was very happy and relieved. The Simpson family thought it would be a good idea to go to the beach. Unfortunately everyone else in the city thought it would good day to go to the beach.When the beach finally cleared out everyone went home and ate some of their potatoes and went to bed. 
That night it happened all the potatoes in potato city disappeared.In the morning Everyone was freaked out, by then no one remembered that the potato monsters where on the lose there where slime blobs and potato crumbs all over the ground they fooled the path to the potato factory. where the potato king was eating the city's potatoes. he was blue ,he had a light blue nose an orange Mohawk and long red arms. when the cops turned up potato man was there to greet them. Potato man is fat and purple with orange arms.

When the cops held up their guns the potato monsters said they will never steal potatoes again.
So everyone had a beach party
And they lived happily ever after.
The end!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!             
  potato king                          brothers               POTATO MAN!!!!!


Breaking News:  A monster eats shot put gold medalist Valerie Adams. 

Hello I am Sarah and this is Mike McRoberts, and we are the reporters of 3 news. A monster named Bouncy Glall eats shot put gold medalist Valerie Adams.

Most people think that the monster came out of the shot put ball when she was about to throw her final ball of the day. But other people thought that she picked up the wrong ball, and  then the monster ate her. I think he was hungry so he ate her.
We will be back after the break.
Coming up…

People have robbed the biggest pak n save in the country ,NZ.

And also coming up is  sport...

We are back.

No one knows what the monster  looks like. They think that he looked like this:

 ohhhhhhhhhh WOW, I just got a message from the ambulance about Valerie Adams.  It says this:

HI Sarah Hall this is St John ambulance emergency centre.  
Valerie Adams is in saliva condition. The monster has gone to monster prison where he will start taking ‘ How not to eat humans’ lessons’.  And everything is back to normal.

Thank goodness the monster has gone to prison.

But there could be more monsters out there, so beware.

Anyway I am Sarah Hall and this is Mike McRoberts and we are the reporters of three news. Goodbye. 



‘Breaking News, last tuesday night a monster known as the milk monster
is going around peoples houses and eating and drinking their 
butter and milk !!!!!!,
Anyway you must be wondering how the monster came along well were not 
completely  sure about how it got here but we do know that 
to men were betting about a unicorn program for a egg, we don’t know  who won
but we do know that the man who did win ate the egg raw and did not realize that the egg was
a monster egg. The next day the man spewed up the monster we do not know what happened
after that.

“I'm Fred  and she is Kate, and this is three news”.
my mum screams in horror ‘did you hear that toby’ she said with shock
‘could I hear anything else’ I replied  sarcastically.
That night I just couldn't get to sleep something was bothering me, I
just keeped on thinking about the kitchen it was bothering me so much
that I went out into the kitchen and because I was thinking about the kitchen
it made me hungry so I opened the refrigerator and let out a humungous
I have just been
face to face with the
milk monster
and next to him is an empty milk
bottle  and butter wrappers then he ran but I 
caught him before he could run 5 centimeters, for a little bit I wasn’t to sure
 what to do with him but then it struck me, I could go to the news reporters 
and I would tell them to say do not worry I have caught the milk monster 
and thats exactly what I did, they were so delighted l that they let me speak
on the news and they let me keep the monster as a pet I named
him Merp, this was the best day of my life.


                                                        THE END

Lorenzo's new flag

Hi, my name is Lorenzo  and I'm going to tell you about my flag. The blue represents that we are an island, the Koru tells us to thank Kupe and his wife for giving Aotearoa its name. Last of all the union jack represents that we are from the British Empire.

Monday, 24 March 2014

Lost Monster

                         Lost monster


Hi i’m Moe.  I have just lost my sweetheart monster Miss Bonkers. This Monster has blue braided hair, a bow on her head, 3 googly eyes, a square nose and a sparkly green tail.  There will be a green sparkly trail from her tail.  She is also very tall and is a purple monster.

Miss bonkers gets easily lost, hates dogs and loves to hide in trees.  If you find her please first feed her lots of purple bubblegum, stinky shoes and shiny pompoms (otherwise she will lose her lovely purple colour) and please bring her back to me @ 123 sweet street cupcake store to Moe immediately.

Thanks Moe

This is how Miss bonkers looks like.

Sunday, 23 March 2014

jayden, monster writing


lost monster: Ewoo
If you see a yellow monster with orange hair, three eyes, light blue mouth and a  blue handle. Please contact me on 836-4042 or . please pick him up but do not use two hands otherwise he will put his mouth  on your finger then your finger will be gone it will not hurt but your finger will not come back. Someone found that out the hard way.He turns into a radio when he is scared.

Some Facts Are:
He will only eat yellow
bubblegum and butter.
He sleeps in the fridge to keep him cool
ready for the morning so he will not overheat.
                    Photo on 2014-03-13 at 09.10.jpg
Here is a photo of him to help.

Please contact me on the number above. I am the owner Jayden.


Thursday, 20 March 2014

Jayden's Flax

This is a flax bush that I made then labeled. In this flax bush there is a baby, Mum, dad, grandma, grandad and extras.

Brendan's New Flag

Hello and my name is Brendan and this is my flag I think should be for New Zealand.  The Union Jack represents that we were from the British Empire, the blue background is to tell us that we are a island.
The two Koru's tells us to thank Kupe and his wife for giving Aotearoa its name.  The four stars represent the Southern Cross. And the kiwi represents New Zealand.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Krishals New Flag

This is my flag i designed  or my reading task.The kiwi represents new zealand,the green is land,the blue is for sky and the union jack flag is to represent the British  empire.